Friday Feb 01, 2019
Friday Feb 01, 2019
Interview with Social Media Marketing and Creative Director, Milan Klusacek! A true creative genius! Klusacek has worked behind the scenes on many social media marketing platforms and projects including being a content creator for the Denver Broncos - Super Bowl 50 and so many other incredible things!
“Choose to give more and to live an intentional life of generosity!”
Highlight Interview Moments/Quotes:
- “What can I do today to be a blessing to somebody else?”
- “Say YES to Opportunities…even if your scared.”
- “Create something today even if sucks.”
- “Use your voice!! A timely challenge to use your voice.”
- “Give opportunity for unplanned moments!”
- "Use your voice even if you have to start with a whisper!"
Connect with Milan at:
Please go to iTunes and leave us a review!
Much Love,
Tuesday Jan 22, 2019
Jump_to_the life of your dreams- Connecting with others !
Tuesday Jan 22, 2019
Tuesday Jan 22, 2019
Welcome to Jump!
Our first JUMP to the live of your dreams!!!!
“Those who don't jump will never fly.”
and is about how to start the year on the key to connect with others!
Starting the year right with our hearts full of intentionality to connect with others..because life disconnected is hell on earth and life with deeply connection is heaven on earth....let me help you understand this a little:
“Friendship ... is born at the moment when one man says to another "What! You too? I thought that no one but myself . . .”
― C.S. Lewis
“What draws people to be friends is that they see the same truth. They share it.”
― C. S. Lewis
A time of wisdom from John Maxwell!
it's all about otherS!
Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower. Steve Jobs
Jump Challenge one:
Let's find 3 people to connect with this week
1-write them a text, note without agenda,
2- think of something that they would love to receive, like a small gift just because.
3- give them words of encouragement, everyone needs that find something to encourage them , like you are doing a great job etc...
You guys are amazing!
Much love, Rebeca
Monday Dec 31, 2018
Interview with Julie Farino -"I'm moving forward"
Monday Dec 31, 2018
Monday Dec 31, 2018
My sweet dear Friend Julie!!!
"Just know when you plant seeds they grow though a huge harvesty" Julie Farino
Julie is the artist that sing" monday motivation entry song"
Never give up hope.
Don't let fear or insecurity stop you from trying new things
... When the world says “give up”, hope whispers try it one more time
Marie Forleo Quote: “The key to SUCCESS is to START before you're ready.”
what is your word for 2019?
happy New Year and I'll see you again with JUMP to the Life of your dreams Podcast!
I'm so grateful for you and excited about the future!
Happy Monday and Happy 2019!
Wednesday Dec 26, 2018
Monday Motivation - Make your Goal to Pursue Peace of Mind!
Wednesday Dec 26, 2018
Wednesday Dec 26, 2018
Hey guys the year it's almost over its time to make a decision what to pursue for 2019!
“ Love and peace of mind do protect us.
"True peace is not merely the absence of tension: it is the presence of justice." Martin Luther King Jr
"Impossible is just a word"
“Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.” – Tony Robbins
“I believe the last thing I read at night will likely manifest when I'm sleeping. You become what you think about the most.” -
Daymond John
“The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.” - Steve Jobs
“Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.”
― Robert Louis Stevenson
happy monday! you guys are the best!
Monday Dec 17, 2018
Interview with karen Holmes-"Don't die with the gifts inside of you"
Monday Dec 17, 2018
Monday Dec 17, 2018
Maybe my writing it's not just for me.......
Interview with Karen Holmes...here is some of her writing!
How often do you really respond for the moment? How often do your responses or reactions accurately reflect what is happening right now, right this second, as opposed to being a response that is carrying baggage from the past (even twenty minutes ago!) or a reaction that is weighed down by anxieties over the future?
I think about this a lot as it relates to my parenting. I find that I often respond and react out of fear for the future or anger from the past. Sometimes my kids will do something and I cannot get them under control. My mind will flash forward ten years to them as rebellious teenagers, storming out of the house, me left worried and scared because our relationships are ruined and I have no idea where my children have gone.
Then I have to pull myself back into the present, and really see these frowny little three and five year old faces looking up at me. I have to remember to not borrow trouble, for today has enough trouble of its own. I have to remember to not worry about tomorrow, to not let my heart be anxious for the future, to rest in the grace and mercies hidden in this moment and be the best mom I can be right now.
I’m not perfect at it. This afternoon, I was still feeling stressed about something that happened this morning. My kids were acting out and I yelled at them; the knot in my stomach unraveling as it went curling around my poor boys. I have to remember that God is there, too – in my past. He is unfettered by time, unconstrained by our simple human attempts to measure our lives. I don’t need to worry about what happened this morning because God’s hand is in it. I cannot go back and do anything now! What good is it to dwell on something that is already over and done? In this area, especially, I want to stretch my fingers, open my hands, let things go. I don’t want to live perpetually in the past, letting the thoughts and feelings of hours, days, years ago continually leak into my life.
I want my responses and my reactions to be appropriate to the matter that is right in front of me. My family, especially my unsuspecting, innocent children, deserve to know that whatever I say to them is measured out for the moment – not a landslide from the past threatening to devour them, or some yet unrealized black cloud of the future hanging above their heads.
While I believe there is wisdom and a biblical foundation in planning for the future and paying attention to your past, Jesus calls us to react and respond to the present moment. “Don’t worry about your life, what you’ll eat or what you’ll drink, or about your body, what you’ll wear…. Who among you by worrying can add a single moment to your life?” (Matthew 6:24, 27). Not only can we not add any moments, but we can actively lose out on moments (that may not ever even exist!) when we focus our thoughts too far ahead or too far back.
How do you check yourself when you’re in the middle of a rage? Are you able to identify when you are responding out of fear or past anxieties? (text from Karen Holmes)
Karen Holmes Blog
Her trips adventures
Happy Monday guys!!!
Monday Dec 10, 2018
Monday Motivation - Start with yourself-inspire words from John Maxwell
Monday Dec 10, 2018
Monday Dec 10, 2018
Have you ever considered the time investment in some of the world’s greatest achievements?
· It took 26 months to build the Eiffel Tower.
· It took Da Vinci 4 years to paint the Mona Lisa.
· It took Michelangelo 4 years to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.
· It took Leo Tolstoy over 6 years to write War and Peace.
· It took around 30 years to build the Great Pyramid.
· It took over 40 years before Beethoven’s Fur Elise was performed.
· It took Noah 100 years to build the ark.
You see, most people don’t understand the power of consistency. Because they use so much of their time poorly, they feel a great pressure to maximize what little time they have. That pressure leads them to overdo it.
Thank you John maxwell for your wise words.
Happy monday guys
Monday Dec 03, 2018
Monday Dec 03, 2018
Is a interview with Almira Bradford. she got her first gift from OPERATIONS CHRISTMAS CHILD ... and she was adopted at 14 years old and moved to the U.S.A, today Almira is a Young Woman full of Amazing Dreams and Doing Incredible Art!So Proud of her!
"There is no failure except in no longer trying."
Elbert Hubbard
Try, try, try, and keep on trying is the rule that must be followed to become an expert in anything.
W. Clement Stone
Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.
Dale Carnegie
Happy Monday Guys!
Monday Nov 26, 2018
Monday Motivation -What Really Matters?
Monday Nov 26, 2018
Monday Nov 26, 2018
What really Matters at the end of the day?
- "I think if I've learned anything about friendship, it's to hang in, stay connected, fight for them, and let them fight for you. Don't walk away, don't be distracted, don't be too busy or tired, don't take them for granted. Friends are part of the glue that holds life and faith together. Powerful stuff." Jon k.
Monday Nov 19, 2018
Monday Motivation - my story.....it may just change your life...
Monday Nov 19, 2018
Monday Nov 19, 2018
Anything you believe in, water it, feed it and protect it, and you can change the world.
Take a step forward and try something different, it may just change your life. Rebeca Flott
Happy Thanksgiving! I'm so grateful for you!!!
Monday Nov 12, 2018
Monday Motivation "Leadership Lesson...based on Dichotomy of Leadership..."
Monday Nov 12, 2018
Monday Nov 12, 2018
A talk with my good looking husband about the latest book he has been reading!...
Jocko Willink is a badass. No doubt about it. This former Navy SEAL is the epitome of what it means to be a man’s man. His all-discpline and no B.S. approach to the way he lives his life is an amazing blueprint for athletes and coaches. Willink also has one of the most inspiring and motivating podcasts that you can listen to....
Mastering the Dichotomy of Leadership requires understanding when to lead and when to follow; when to aggressively maneuver and when to pause and let things develop; when to detach and let the team run and when to dive into the details and micromanage. In addition, every leader must:
· Take Extreme Ownership of everything that impacts their mission, yet utilize Decentralize Command by giving ownership to their team.
· Care deeply about their people and their individual success and livelihoods, yet look out for the good of the overall team and above all accomplish the strategic mission.
· Exhibit the most important quality in a leader―humility, but also be willing to speak up and push back against questionable decisions that could hurt the team and the mission.
With examples from the authors’ combat and training experiences in the SEAL teams, and then a demonstration of how each lesson applies to the business world, Willink and Babin clearly explain THE DICHOTOMY OF LEADERSHIP―skills that are mission-critical for any leader and any team to achieve their ultimate goal: VICTORY.
happy monday guys!